Reading the Bible can be exciting and enjoyable, but it can also be surprising, confusing and parts of it can be hard to understand. If you have never read the Bible before, or even if you have read the Bible every day for years, we can always delve deeper and more fully into God’s Word.

Here we have gathered together some of our favourite apps, articles and tools which we hope will help you in your own personal Bible reading and Prayer times! Enjoy.

Some Things to Consider Before You Get Started

Before you get started reading your Bible, it’s helpful think through the following:

  • When will you read? Do you have a consistent time?
  • Where will you read? Do you have a consistent place?
  • What will you read? Do you have a plan? (there are some suggested plans below)
  • What do you need? Do you have a Bible or Bible app, journal/tablet, pen and highlighter?

A Simple Way to Read the Bible

It can be for many of us to find a ‘rhythm’ of daily Bible reading, and to really stick with it. Often people desire to read Scripture more and to get into more of a regular habit of Bible reading, but they don’t know where to start. S.O.A.P is a good place to start.

S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. It is a way of getting more out of your time in God’s word. How does it work? It’s quite simple. When you sit for your quiet/contemplative time, you read the Bible as you normally would with one simple difference – you use the word S.O.A.P. to guide your time in the word.

  • Scripture: As you read, what verse or verses jump off the page at you?
  • Observation: What did you observe about the Scripture that struck you or spoke to you? This can be one sentence or thought.
  • Application: How can you apply the observation in your life today?
  • Prayer: Write out/pray a prayer to God based on what you just learned and ask Him to help you apply this truth in your life.

That’s all there is to it!

Bible Apps

 Prayer Apps

Prayer Resources

30 Prayer Tools from 24/7 Prayer

Helpful Articles on Bible Reading

Bible Reading Plans


Bible Resources